
Note from Meghan

Dear Families,  

Tu B’Shevat, also known as the “New Year of the Trees,” will begin at sundown on Wednesday, January 24th. This holiday holds significance in Jewish tradition and highlights the connection between humanity and the environment. 

At JDS, Tu B’Shevat provides a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the importance of environmental stewardship and the interconnectedness of all living things. After a pandemic-related hiatus, JDS is once again participating in the Salmon in the Schools program. Recently, the Blue Village took a field trip to a local fish hatchery to pick-up salmon eggs. JDS students are beyond excited to peek into the aquarium each day to see how many eggs have hatched. Earlier this year, Green Village engaged in a deep study of plant life cycles. Across the entire school, experiencing the beauty and joy of the natural world firsthand is a critical component of our curriculum. It helps create upstanders that advocate for themselves, others, and the world around them. 

As we celebrate Tu B’Shevat, let us take a moment to appreciate our natural environment and consider how we can contribute to a sustainable and harmonious world. 

 Wishing you and your loved ones a Chag Sameach. 

With gratitude,

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