
Note from Meghan

Dear Families,

At our Kehillah last week, we celebrated the holiday of Simchat Torah. We were lucky enough to have 7th and 8th graders, who are recent or soon-to-be b’nai mitzvah, read from their Torah portions. These students were shining examples of the mission of JDS. I was proud of their poise, leadership and demonstration of the values we hold most sacred. And while our 7th and 8th graders were sharing their strengths, the youngest of our students shared their joy and enthusiasm as they cheered with joy while marching with the Torah. Friday’s Kehillah showcased how a child’s JDS journey is one full of gratitude and respect for the traditions and values that they are building into a strong identity. As you relax and reflect with your family this weekend, ask your child what values and traditions are most important to them. I think you will hear the gifts of a JDS education shine through. We couldn’t be happier to share this joy with you! 

A Fond Farewell 

We wanted to share the news that Jim Wiesen is moving on to new adventures after 27 years at JDS. Jim has done so much for JDS – P.E. teacher, facilities management, Israeli trip planning, athletics, Saturday Night Fever, and so much more. We will miss his passion for JDS and our students. This was a quick change for Jim, so if you would like to leave him a note of gratitude, please do so here.   

With gratitude,


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