
Note from Meghan

Dear Families,  

It was wonderful to see so many of you at our Meet and Greet last night, as well as at Shabbat in the Park last week. While I am sorry to see summer end, I am also ready for some Seattle like cool weather and cloudy days.

We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of students next week! Teachers are preparing their learning environments and lessons for students and our extremely dedicated administrative staff is working diligently to make sure that every aspect of the year is prepared to ensure a smooth beginning. 

Creating a joyous space that is conducive to learning is an important part of the preparation for a new school year. We are grateful that we can welcome students and families onto campus this year. You may notice that there have been some changes as we continue to share our campus. BASIS Independent Schools has welcomed their first cohort of students. As is in all space sharing situations, we are working to collaboratively problem solve. No matter how our space changes, what will always remain is the passion for learning, the memories we make, and the community that we build together.  

Enjoy the last few days of vacation and we will see you soon.

With Gratitide,


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