
Note from Meghan

Welcome back, families! 

As I begin my 23rd year in education, greeting children on the first day is always one of my favorite moments of the year. This week has been full of an unmistakable sense of joy as our JDS community comes back together. Students are so happy to see their friends and teachers once again. I am filled with hope and positivity for the coming school year.  

First Kehillah 

Please join us on September 9th for our first Kehillah together. We are thrilled to welcome the Brothers for Life who will be enjoying the community spirit of Kehillah with us and giving a brief presentation to our students. Our program will begin at 8:40 am. We will have coffee and light bites available shortly before and after the program. We look forward to seeing you!  

Partnership with SJCS – Kehillah M’shulevet (Integrated Community) 

This year, we are excited about a new collaboration with Seattle Jewish Community School (SJCS). Our 5th graders in the Purple Village and the 5th graders from SJCS will be learning together for one day each week during the 2022-2023 school year.  

We are calling this initiative Kehillah M’shulevet (Integrated Community). A highlight of this initiative will include Jewish Studies sessions with Dikla Kafka, a local Jewish educator and yoga instructor (raised and trained in Israel) who is actively involved in Jewish study programs, including through the Israeli American Council, Limmud Seattle, and the Jewish Federation. SJCS students will have the opportunity to join the competitive Robotics team formed at JDS and led by HaMoreh Chad. Further, students will also work together on service learning projects tied both to the Jewish community and to environmental causes, as well as writing, rehearsing and presenting a Purim Spiel. We are so pleased that Gabrielle Azose, a JDS parent and SJCS educator, will serve as the point person and liaison overseeing coordination efforts, together with our team and her teaching colleagues. We look forward to all the ways the Kehillah M’shulevet initiative will enhance the intellectual, social, and personal development of the children and the vibrancy of progressive Jewish day school education in our shared community. 

With gratitude,


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